Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Super Tuesday

Skip and I are up late tonight, waiting to get some word about Super Tuesday. All we know right now is that Obama carried the ex-pat vote in Jakarta and Huckabee has taken West Virginia.

We're getting a lot of coverage on CNN Europe about the ex-pat population. Apparently, there are 6 million Americans living overseas who are eligible to vote. Skip and I could have voted in the Democratic primary here, but Skip is not registered with any party and I still don't know who I would vote for.

Maddie has "mitigated" chicken pox. Which means that she had the vaccine so the virus is not quite so bad. She's only broken out on her face. She ran a fever all weekend and didn't start to break out until yesterday. Fortunately, Skip and I both had the chicken pox (I had them when I was the same age Maddie is now). We're hoping to have her back in school by Friday when she has the first big dress rehearsal for her Peter Pan play.

Everyone here is sick. I start back with my Wednesday Worships tomorrow, but most of the people who usually come have a kid at home this week. Tis the season.

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